Isn’t the basic purpose of Zakaat to make sure that the wealth does not get blocked and the poor do […]
Read MoreAssalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Dear Ustadz, What is the difference between tax and zakat (the mall)? In Islamic countries, is there a […]
Read MoreTidak semua jenis harta diwajibkan untuk dikeluarkan zakatnya. Berdasarkan nash-nash Al-Quran dan Sunnah, para ulama telah menyusun kriteria jenis harta yang wajib dizakati. Bila harta seseorang tidak memiliki kriteria yang telah ditetapkan, maka tidak ada kewajiban zakat. Meski pun secara nominal nialinya sangat tinggi.
Read MoreAssalamualaikum Wr. Wb Cleric, may the fund for orphans in part dikelolakan our business results remain distributed to orphans, because if […]
Read MoreAssalamu’laikum wr. Wb, Ust. I want to ask my wife spend Zakat earnings per month, and of the income left to save […]
Read MoreAssalamualaikum wr. wb. Cleric, may we menzakatkan some fortune that we can to the parents themselves are ill? Examples like this […]
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