Dompet Dhuafa Australia Ltd. provide a variety of ways to donate so you can choose the one that is most suitable for you:

Donate by Phone, Mail or Fax

If you prefer to mail or fax your donation please download our Donation Form (.pdf) or request the form by mailing our Supporter Service Center at or phone +61 452 18 6060.

Direct Debit

You can arrange to have your donation debited directly from your account. Simply complete the application form and mail it to Dompet Dhuafa Australia on

Cheque or Money Order

Please make your cheque to Dompet Dhuafa Australia Ltd., and post it to:
Dompet Dhuafa Australia Ltd.
2 Dellwood Street
NSW – 2200.

Bank Transfer

Our bank details: Account Name: Dompet Dhuafa Australia Ltd.
Bank: The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CommBank)
BSB: 062-320
Account Number: 1085-7772
Please do leave us your mobile number and what the donation is for as the payment reference, so that we can properly allocate the donation and correctly record your donation into your donation records.

In Person

Please visit one of our offices listed on the Contact Us page, and speak to one of our friendly staff or representatives.