Babies’ Mate: That Babies and Mom Healthy in Refugees Shelter

JAKARTA – The flood disaster that occurred no doubt lead to many problems, especially for the survivors’ health. No exception to the baby, because it is very susceptible to various diseases.

Given these conditions, Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-cuma (LKC – Free Medical Services, Eng.) Dompet Dhuafa  launched the “Babies’ Mate: Preparedness Mom, Healthy Baby”. The program is one service of disaster relief held by  Dompet Dhuafa for refugees of flood victims.

“The focus of this program is to provide treatment and health services for mothers, infants and toddlers as flood victims in the refugees shelters,” said Abdul Ghofur, General Manager of Health Services Dompet Dhuafa, Sunday (20/1).

Ghofur said, the program is deployed over three points refugee shelters, such as Cawang, Petamburan, and Bekasi. “Our program will open from 20 to the end of January,” he added.

This program proposed to mother and child remain healthy, despite living in refugee shelter. One of the activities is providing a conducive space for mothers to provide breast milk.

“Breast-feeding in disaster conditions are right, breastfeeding is one of the efforts to keep the baby warm in addition to proper nutrition and sterile”, said one medical volunteer Dompet Dhuafa, dr. Hani Purnamasari, SpA. Besides, she also added that taking milk, the baby will be protected from infection because the immune substances contained in the breast milk.

Other activities of the program is the provision of complementary feeding, in the form of kitchen-made foods (not instant), as well as counseling and advocacy for breastfeeding mothers in refugee shelters.

“We also conduct a program to provide clean water and toilets for both mother and baby,” added dr. Yeni, who regulary act as Medical Services Manager in LKC Dompet Dhuafa. (/nra)