Savings Need Is Issued zakat?

Assalamu’laikum wr. Wb,

Ust. I want to ask my wife spend Zakat earnings per month, and of the income left to save in one of Islamic banks in Indonesia, which I asked my wife if savings are compulsory zakat issued again?

Because the wife had asked the two agencies differ amil zakat and he answered an amyl say unnecessary, and an amyl said it should be? My wife and I so hesitant, so I want an explanation of the feat. If you need what basis, and not essentially what?

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. Wb,


Assalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, 

Actually this disagreement need not exist, if there is no ijtihad about charity income.

As we know, charity income such as salaries, fees, wages and the like is a form of charity which in the past has not been established. Zakat new income determined in the present through the ijtihad of the scholars of this century.

As an ijtihad, of course, gave birth to the pros and cons. Who do not agree with the principle that income zakat zakat was part of religious rituals, so it should be constituted with the arguments qath’i and firm. And the books of hadith or fiqh classic never even mentioned the obligation of zakat these earnings.

So what to do with the answers to two different charity organizations?

Well, the institution of zakat which says no more charity for saving money ijtihadnya bases with logic that does not need to pay zakah twice for the same property. Because the owner has to pay zakat money income, then the money is no need to pay zakat as alms savings.

While requiring amil zakat institutions again, the principle that all property types and bentu there zakat. When receiving a salary, shall be issued zakat. And when deposited into a savings and accumulated hinngga reach nishab and haul, shall again dizakatkan.

Well, if there is no zakat revenue, certainly there should be no difference of opinion. Because the dizakatkan live one only, namely zakat money savings.

So which is it?

In this case we can not blame any one opinion. Both depart from the strong ijtihad.

That said there should be more savings out of Zakat Zakat earnings depart from the logic that each type of property is no provision zakat zakat. For example one farm and get a harvest in excess of nisab. So he must tithe in accordance with the provisions.

Then from the crops they sell it, he bought some cows for breeding. If compliance nishab and haulnya, farmers who now have a side profession as a breeder was still required to tithe on cattle property.

Why is that?

Because of his cattle that had qualified him for issuing compulsory Zakat. Although the source of capital from the crop that has been reduced to tithe.


Second opinion over again is hadsil ijtihad obtained from the various propositions. Sometimes the results can ijtihad with fellow ijtihad other experts, but not infrequently the result is different.

Differences of opinion are usually born due to various reasons.The main one of them because of differences in point of view, also due to differences in methodology making conclusions of law, not even the rare differences occurred due to differences in setting keshahihan a hadith, as well as establish the specificity and generality.

Make us a layman, the results of ijtihad wherever we can select and an okay when we left. Perhaps because scholars who issued the results of ijtihad itself once again will correct opinion.

And it’s legitimate ruling.

Wallahu a’lam bishshawab, wassalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Ahmad Sarwat, Lc